Indie Can Group

Advertise With Us

Indie Film Circle Meetup
Advertise With Us
Eqipment Rental
Policies & Terms
Space for Rent
Production Crew for Hire
Calendar of Events
Contact Us

Are you involved in the film industry and are looking for an inexpensive advertising venue?  If so the Indie Can Group would be happy to have you advertise with us.  For a fee of $5.00 Cda funds per month your logo will be advertised on our front page with a link to your website.

Alot of industry professionals visit our website so by advertising with us you will receive more exposure within the film industry while also marketing your organization as a supporter of the arts and linking your business with Toronto's fastest growing event.

The Indie Can Group is a non-profit organization devoted to supporting the Arts.  Advertising and event revenues help underwrite venue rental, brings guest filmmakers to our screenings and forums.

If you would like to advertise with the Indie Can Group please contact us at: